Author: | Toja33 Website | Email |
Date: | 21.01.2009 |
Downloads: | 9917 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 0.772 MB |
Rating: | 5.32 based on 2279 votes |
This is my first mod for GTA IV. I made mods for GTA SA but I didn't uploaded them for download on any page. First read the ReadMe and then install. With this mod you will get exhaust fire and Banshee sound on Dukes. In this rar you will get new modded vehicles.ide, ReadMe (eng) and Pictures folder and in it 27 pictures about this mod. Have fun with this mod.
Cro. Hr.
Ovo je moj prvi mod za GTA IV. Napravio sam modove za GTA SA ali ih nisam uploadirao za download na nikojoj stranici. Prvo proćitajte ReadMe i onda instalitajte. Sa ovim modom ćete dobiti vatru iz auspuha i Banshee zvuk na Dukesu. U ovom raru dobit ćete novi modirani vehicles.ide, ReadMe (eng) i Pictures folder i u njemu 27 slika o ovom modu. Zabavite se sa ovim modom. Sori što sam samo napravio ReadMe na Eng. ali ja mislin da svi znate čitati Eng.
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