
GTA 3 Cars



Declasse Premier LCPD

Author: DukeOfFail
Date: 09.03.2023
Downloads: 4183 | Statistics
Filesize: 4.564 MB

9.75 based on 8 votes

-Mod Info-
This car mod is a converted port of the GTA:SA Premier for GTA, Done in the style of the Beta/Liberty City Stories livery. Updated in March 2024.

Since we aren't on the west coast, the lightbar as been replaced with a brand new Vector based lightbar, mixed with the original games lightbar so it has the McDermott style lights.
This Premier also now has a Rambar. There is a optional version included which does not have it, if the Rambar isn't your thing

-What you get with this-
This mod also includes, a new Handling.cfg and Col File., and twoversions of colors.
1) Pre-9/11 NYPD Blue/White from the Beta.
2) Post-9/11 Black/White from the game's release. (LCS Style)

-Mod Installation-
Tools you will need before hand.
Mod Loader
Collision File Editor II

(Step 1)
Choose the Type of car color you want and then Drop the Folder into Modloader.
(Step 2) Change original datalines with these. (NOTE: MAKE BACK UPS OF FILES BEFORE EDITING THEM)
"POLICE 1600.0 2.1 5.0 1.6 0.0 0.3 -0.1 75 1.05 0.78 0.52 5 200.0 25.0 R P 11.1 0.53 0 35.0 2.0 0.12 0.2 0.3 25000 0.28 -0.17 0.5 9002 0 1"
(Step 3) Using CollEditor2, Replace the original Police Collision File with the new one. (NOTE: MAKE A BACK UP OF THE POLICE.COL BEFORE REPLACING IT)
(Step 4) Enjoy!

-Change Log-
3/09/24 - Fixed Huge Issues, Such as me uploading the wrong update file.
Textures and other things should be working now.

Rare Col. Related crash - Being fixed 3/9/24
Doors not being damaged correctly - Working on this atm - 3/9/24

***Special Thanks!***
I wanna thank everyone who helped me with getting this together, with support and troubleshooting and helping me learn Blender among a lot of other things.

People Such as Monkeypolice188, Compeast, Calvin, Son of Big Boss, Señor Monster, A.G. , and a few others i might of forgot. thanks again for everything!

>>>>>>>>Mod Permissions.<<<<<<<<
If you would like to use this for a mod pack, repost it somewhere etc. Please just give proper credit, As for Edits, Do not edit without my permission.

Hope, you enjoy my updated first mod for GTA III!

Mod Report

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Declasse Premier LCPD
Declasse Premier LCPD Declasse Premier LCPD Declasse Premier LCPD

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