
GTA San Andreas Cars


GTA V Cars

GTA V: Vulcar Warrener (Add-on/Tunable) v1.2

Author: memeboi
Date: 18.03.2022
Downloads: 3545 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.475 MB

10.00 based on 13 votes

“The legendary Swedish four door sedan. All the boxy design of a 1980s Vulcar, with none of the reliability. For lovers of tight jeans, micro breweries, and 70s cop shows.”

today i bring to you the Vulcar Warrener a four door sedan introduced in the "I'm not a Hipster" Update, its based primarily of japanese cars (WTF R* HOW FUCKING HARD WAS JUST TO NAME THIS SHITBOX AS A ANNIS VEHICLE YOU BUMBLING IDIOTS) yet it was placed under the vulcar name, a swedish car company.

The Warrener is now available for San Andreas as a add-on mod not a replacement mod, as most car with tuning parts have liveries and this one doesn't. with some slight
change to car.

Jan.2023 Update::::::::
-Well somehow the model didn't have any collision, i'm sorry for any problems.

-Default ID is 613, you change if its used already.
-Add-on(It doesn't replace any vehicle).
-Tuning Parts, Default IDs go from 265-273, 289, 329 & 332, you will need to change them if used by another mod.
-1 extra (turbo engine).
-3 color options (1.-body, 2.-rollcage & 3.-rims).
-ped_arm dummy.

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GTA V: Vulcar Warrener (Add-on/Tunable) v1.2
GTA V: Vulcar Warrener (Add-on/Tunable) v1.2 GTA V: Vulcar Warrener (Add-on/Tunable) v1.2 GTA V: Vulcar Warrener (Add-on/Tunable) v1.2

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