Author: | Attramet Website |
Date: | 28.06.2022 |
Downloads: | 22959 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 0.282 KB |
Rating: | 10.00 based on 19 votes |
Various Fixes is a modification for Grand Theft Auto IV and EFLC, purpose of which is fix various kinds of bugs in game.
Mod is not limited only on fixes, it also includes restoration of some things, console content, various texture improvements, etc.
If you don't want to read the list of fixes below, you can just watch screenshots of almost all fixes here - and here -
This mod has two installation options: manual and through Fusion Overloader system.
Current version of the mod - 2.0
Note: if you got some weird stuff (flying buildings, random objects instead of weapon pickups) after installing this mod, then start a new game and check if the problem is gone.
If you want to report about bug you found in the mod, or any bug in general (just don't go crazy about this one, no need to post everything that catches your eye), you could use a spreadsheet ( or GitHub repo ( Special thanks to Valentyn_L for creating these pages.
• Just Fixes
Main part of the mod, which includes only fixes for things that look and work incorrectly, everything else is in other sections.
Fixed roof windows on Hove Beach subway station.
Fixed glass in Charge Island's boatyard.
Fixed glass on random store in Hove Beach.
Fixed glass on some shops in Alderney.
Fixed shaders on some flags in Alderney.
Fixed vine shaders in Rotterdam Hill.
Fixed grid on construction site in Bohan and Algonquin.
Fixed windows on random building in Northwood.
Fixed ad on crane in Hove Beach.
Fixed billboard in Beechwood City.
Fixed dividers on the golf club.
Fixed very bright windows on buildings in Firefly Projects.
Fixed dirt shader in Roman's cab depot office.
Fixed stickers on dumpster.
Removed windows transparency at the Hove Beach subway station, because street was displayed incorrectly through them, and station building itself was visible through them.
A lot of wrong props placement was fixed, check maps in image album to see what has been fixed and restored.
Removed broken trees LOD in Bohan.
Removed broken LOD at a couple shops in Alderney.
Removed broken LOD of sunken ships.
Fixed missing LOD texture in BOABO.
Removed broken LOD on basketball field in Algonquin.
Removed broken watertower LOD in BOABO.
Fixed broken parking LOD texture in Varsity Heights.
Removed broken fence LOD in Varsity Heights.
Removed broken conditioner LOD in Bohan.
Changed models of some trailers to those that matches the LODs.
Fixed bushes on highway in Algonquin.
Fixed bushes in Firefly Island.
Fixed bushes on piles of junk in Bohan.
Fixed bushes on abandoned bridge in Acter industrial park.
Fixed leaves in City Hall and Castle Garden City.
Fixed flickering billboard in Hove Beach. Special thanks to Philips_27 for making a video about how this bug looks like.
Fixed flickering ad in Schottler.
Fixed missing grid texture on baseball field in Dukes.
Fixed missing fence texture in Algonquin tunnel.
Fixed missing billboard texture in Middle Park West district.
Fixed missing ventilation texture in Northwood.
Fixed missing tag texture on jeans in russian clothes shop.
Fixed missing texture on Algonquin highway dividers.
Fixed missing textures for objects such as ventilation, lamps, etc. in airport.
Fixed painting above bed in Playboy X apartment.
Fixed cutscene chair texture in Roman's cab depot.
Fixed fences on Algonquin bridge.
Fixed meshes on project balconies, doors, subway railways, unfinished bridge in Bohan.
Fixed shader of one bench (ec_hbr_bench_2).
Fixed grilles for conditioners and billboards.
Fixed tennis grid in Bohan and Dukes.
Fixed balcony grille in East Holland.
Fixed grille on windows in Firefly Projects.
Fixed balcony railing shader in various places.
Fixed grilles on various shops, making them more smoother.
Fixed fence on subway bridge from Northwood to Bohan.
Fixed Sprunk ad in Rotterdam Hill.
Fixed detail on freeway supports in Firefly Projects.
Fixed windows on couple shops in Bohan.
Fixed a lot of stuff in Firefly Island, such as: wrong object shaders, wrong object textures, missing and misplaced objects.
Fixed taxi driver face variability.
Fixed F_Y_Tourist hairstyle properties.
Fixed M_Y_Platin_02 accessories textures.
Fixed M_O_Janitor shoes texture.
Fixed M_Y_Genstreet_16 shoes texture.
Fixed M_Y_airworker headphones texture.
Fixed M_Y_Gbik_Lo_02 shoes texture.
Fixed F_O_Porient_01 glasses.
Fixed M_M_Gjam_Hi_01 wrong chain texture.
Fixed F_Y_FF_Burger_R wrong badge texture.
Fixed M_Y_Garbage pants position.
Fixed M_M_Pindus_02 normal and specular textures.
Fixed M_Y_Valet shoes texture.
Fixed M_M_Securityman bracelet texture.
Fixed stipple.wtd, which removes grainy from fences and trees (optional, manual installation only).
Fixed tanker textures.
Fixed incorrect wheels on Roman's Taxi during intro cutscene.
Fixed pissing animation speed on mission "Meltdown".
Fixed hotel worker scenario coordinates in South Slopes.
Fixed peds wall leaning scenario coordinates in Westdyke.
Fixed park gardering scenario in East Hook, now peds perform this scenario in Rotterdam Hill.
• Beta Leftover Fixes
Changed beta clothes for pizzeria employees to final one.
Changed beta clothes textures to the final ones.
Changed beta Tom Goldberg photo to the final one (special thanks to Magic_Al for sharing xbox texture of Goldberg's photo).
Fixed text on Contender ad in Northwood.
Changed inscription Crazy Ivan's to Спиртной Магазин.
Fixed street names on road signs.
Changed Binco ad to Новинки последней моды.
Fixed wrong prop hat texture from green to black.
• Community Fixes
This section includes other people's work that has been provided for the mod.
Fixes and improvements by MikhailRock
Fixed gap between fence and road in Algonquin.
Fixed wardrobe collision in Dwayne's apartment.
Fixed mirror collision and removed flickering graffity in Middle Park toilet.
Fixed a lot of stuff in Triangle club:
• Fixed display of paintings.
• Fixed a bug where objects were not displayed or flickering on mirrors, also fixed mirrors collision.
• Fixed gap between baseboard and wall.
• Fixed some incorrectly placed and stretched textures.
• Fixed gap in the lamp in dressing room.
• Fixed various holes on the ceiling.
• Fixed sinks in dressing room.
• Fixed incorrect neon sign inside the club.
• Fixed shadows that were either placed incorrect, or makes some parts of the club too dark.
• Restored unused paintings.
WPL fixes №4(Bohan) and №8(Algonquin).
Fixes and improvements by Tomasak
Fixed sign collision at the airport.
Fixed hole on top of the Rotterdam Tower.
Fixed office window transparency in Triangle сlub.
Window texture in Algonquin apartment were taken from console.
Fixed Johnny's broken head model.
Fixed slightly broken Luis head model.
Fixes by novatic
Fixed animation of giving money to beggars.
Fixes by Philips_27
Fixed window texture on warehouse in East Hook.
Console content by Parallellines
Restored console lights (lamppost coronas; more intense kitchen light in Roman's apartment).
• Beta Content
Some beta content makes sense to be restored rather than replaced, not going to explain every change, but there are reasons for them.
Restored unused Feltzer ad in airport.
Restored beta roof texture on Woodfellas warehouse in East Hook.
Restored unused shop signs in Hove Beach.
Restored unused painting texture in Playboy X apartment (which was reused in TBoGT, but anyway).
Restored beta Drusilla's look, it makes more sense because of these reasons:
- Waitresses became visible.
- Windows from interior correspond the ones from exterior.
- Fixes double entry door.
- Corresponds all in-game photos of this place.
• Console Content
Some of this content already included in main part of the mod, but here is only what looks different (not completely wrong) from PC, and makes sense to be restored.
Restored white cop head variation, which is exist on consoles, but missing on PC.
Changed M_Y_Pharlem_01 normal map face texture.
Changed texture of pedestrian traffic lights.
Changed grid texture on golf course in Algonquin.
Added transparency to the blinds in ULP office.
• Improvements
All sorts of texture improvements and other things will be in this section.
Improved billboards quality in Bohan.
Changed grass height, because on consoles grass was different, the new one turned out to be under textures.
Changed some warehouse textures in Beechwood City to more quality ones.
Improved quality of Radio Broker billboard in Hove Beach.
Changed some textures on Algonquin gas station to more quality ones.
Changed some lamppost textures to more quality ones.
Changed specular textures for some industrial props to more quality ones.
Changed M_M_Sweeper jacket texture to more quality one.
Changed chair (gb_diningchr02) textures to ones that cutscene model uses.
Changed textures of some planes to more quality ones.
Removed mouse cursor from Playboy X photo.
• Episodes from Liberty City
Episodic content only.
Fixed missing ramp texture.
Fixed missing textures on Cluckin' Bell.
Fixed missing trashcan texture.
Fixed missing texture on random Algonquin building.
Fixed missing fence texture.
Fixed bug which replaced bushes with trees in Bohan.
Changed beta Jim and Jason photos to the final.
Fixed IG_Pgirl_01 hair texture, also better textures were taken from console.
Fixed cutscene golden uzi texture.
Fixed missing textures on Bahama Mamas club.
Fixed street display through the door in Maisonette 9 club (very noticeable when using 2dfx mod).
Fixed bug which replaced trees with flower pots in Meadows Park and Firefly Island.
Restored some missing trees in Hove Beach and Firefly Island.
Fixed incorrect bush model in Bohan (same problem as with trees, only wrong bush model was selected).
Better textures were taken from console for F_Y_Pgirl_01.
Fixed Al Di Napoli hairstyle.
Restored Jeremy St. Ives in few more frames in Blog This cutscene.
Are you the owner of this mod? If someone has stolen your work, you can make a request for removing this mod.