
GTA 4 Mods



GTA IV Console Weapon Animations

Autor: Kerplunk (DarkTMS)
Datum: 16.06.2024
Downloads: 3401 | Statistiken
Dateigröße: 2.462 MB

10.00 bei 12 Bewertungen

GTA IV Console Weapon Animations by Kerplunk (DarkTMS)

This modification is based on bringing the weapon animations used in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of GTA 4, which in my personal opinion are thousands of times better than those in the PC version.

It seeks to replace the old mod with the so-called "Console Animation Mod", since it did not replace all the animations, in addition to removing the facial expressions that Niko made when shooting, which took away some detail from the game.

If you play EFLC, you do not need to install this mod, since for some strange reason the DLC's already have these weapon animations, and it is something that I still wonder to this day.

If you liked my mod, support me with 5 stars to continue uploading mods :D.

Esta modificacion se basa en traer las animaciones de armas usadas en las versiones de Xbox 360 y PS3 de GTA 4, lo cual en opinion personal son miles de veces mejores que las que hay en la versión de PC.

Busca reemplazar el viejo mod con llamado "Console Animation Mod", ya que no reemplazaba todas las animaciones, ademas de que quitaba las expresiones faciales que hacia Niko al disparar, lo cual le quitaba algo de detalle al juego.

Si juegas EFLC, no necesitas instalar este mod, ya que por alguna extraña razon los DLC's ya tienen estas animaciones de armas, y es algo que me sigo preguntando a dia de hoy.

Si te gusto mi mod, apoyame con 5 estrellas para seguir subiendo mods :D.

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GTA IV Console Weapon Animations
GTA IV Console Weapon Animations GTA IV Console Weapon Animations GTA IV Console Weapon Animations GTA IV Console Weapon Animations GTA IV Console Weapon Animations GTA IV Console Weapon Animations

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