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What do you mean by "Slat armor" does it ACTUALLY give it armor to protect it or is it merely cosmetic.
For me the command controls ARE NOT WORKING!! Its all installed BUT when I press Cntrl+N NOTHING HAPPENS! Please someone tell me what the problem is cause this makes me sad and very VERY disappointed that it doesn't work.
If only this mod AND CLEO existed for GTA 5 :(
You DO realize that APCs CAN explode right? Just because they are armored DOES NOT mean that they can resist explosions they WILL still explode regardless because Rockstar didn't make them bullet/explosion proof.... that would be nice though although their is the bullet/fireproof swat in the last mission I suppose.
The six star rampage will be fun now that I have made my vehicles more resilient to impacts MUAHAHAHA I sure hope this cleo mod doesn't crash my game though ;) .