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@CrazyheadMoron99 Nevermind, found a valid link, thank you for giving out the skinpack and author for me!
Tough luck, only the Little Bird skins are still available, the lowpolypeds links are either removed or unavailable.Quote: endochronic1_Quote: CrazyheadMoron99
What skin pack do you use on the Ballas and Families? Is it ok if you share some of those?
The skin I use for my game is mostly came from lowpolyped's gang skins and LittleBird's skins which probably you could find on the internet with some searching n some it also is my own made skins but I didn't plan to release those, well, maybe not now.
@endochronic1_ Thank you! And thank you for the mods, keep up the great work and masterpieces!
What skin pack do you use on the Ballas and Families? Is it ok if you share some of those?