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Bad Girl (No More Heroes: Paradise)
Bloodberry ft. Kniouky | 12.02.2020 | 11342

Kommentare: 12


Hi! I'm sorry to hear that, you did the installation correctly, so I'm not sure what could be causing the character to not work. Does the game crash before loading the cutscene model or the model loads ingame but corrupted (I mean like messed up textures or weird animations)?

I think SparkIV it's a bit outdated, so the only thing I can suggest is to reinstall the model but using OpenIV instead of SparkIV. Good luck! Let me know if it worked!

Thank you! the mod may not be perfect, but your comment means a lot.

Black Cat (Marvel: Future Fight)
Bloodberry & Kniouky | 02.11.2019 | 9210

Kommentare: 12

@Rockwars10 Thanks man, that really means a lot! biggrin
You mean over any other PED? By default she goes over a stripper, but I haven't tried applying this skin over another PED. I think it's possible, but you need to replace the wft file of the PED you are going to put this over with the wft file of this PED.

Bad Girl (Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes)
Bloodberry & Kniouky | 22.07.2019 | 6331

Kommentare: 12

I'm sorry to hear that.
I find that problem a bit weird since I have always used the default wft files when replacing peds and they seem to work fine.
Did you install this mod over Gracie (by default this mod replaces Gracie) or over another ped? if the answer is yes, does the cutscene model experiences the same problem?
If you installed Bad Girl over another ped, try to replace your replaced ped's wft file with Gracie's wft file, which is inside componentpeds.img, but first backup everything.

Black Cat (Marvel: Future Fight)
Bloodberry & Kniouky | 24.12.2018 | 9210

Kommentare: 12


Hi! biggrin

I'm really happy to know you're interested in IV modding. Most mods I upload are characters from other videogames (since most of them are free models), they are a few models of real life actresses, but most of them (if not all of them) have a price, which honestly I cannot afford buying right now.

The only model that maybe I could actually port into GTA IV is Lola, I did a small search on custom models of her (since her 3D model doesn't exist in the actual game), I only found one model but she looks waaay to different to her artwork. I honestly can't make a custom model of her by myself, since I know nothing about modeling, I only can import and rig.

But if you got a request of a character from another videogame, let me know and I'll be glad to help n.n

Sylvia Christel (No More Heroes)
Bloodberry & Kniouky | 13.08.2018 | 13941

Kommentare: 12

Thank you! biggrin