Enjoy my skins with responsibility, also visit my page and give it a little finger up if you want to know about my new works, you can make skins request in my facebook page, and if i have time i can do it, visit my facebook page and my blog for more cute skins, Takk til alle!!! ♡♡♡
Herkunft:@Miyata Yutsuki tk
this skin already exist :x
@Nikki Ann-marie Owo, hallo, send me a private message in facebook if you want other link of downoload n.n
@Nikki Ann-marie Visit my page, she's there n.n https://www.facebook.com/Gtakuroskins/photos/pcb.1639680996328082/1639680719661443/?type=3
@misaki otanashi Thanks ♡♡♡