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@throwaway4732834832 I placed it in the "Other" category for two reasons.
First, even though most of Burnout cars reassemble real cars in some parts, they're not 1:1 recreation, so they end up being a fictional model (and brand in case of the Burnout Paradise Cars).
and second, I'm not sure if just because the car is fictional, I can put it in the car brand is based on
@Reck the Hedgehog Nice and very interesting Request you have, the only thing that goes through my mind is, which car I am going to replace it with, here's some of my ideas.
Watson 25 V16 Revenge/Revenge Racer: Undefined
Rossolini LM Classic/LM Track Package: Undefined
Carson Thunder Custom/Thunder Shadow: The Hermes
Carson Opus/Opus XS: The Remington
Hunter Oval Champ/BRT Oval Champ: Any of the Hotring racers (Maybe hotrinb)
Krieger Racing WTR/PCPD WTR: The Kart, It's sounds a bit unlogical but I can0t find any vehicle that fits it's properties
Montgomery Hawker/Hawker Solo/Hawker Mech: Undefined
Mario Kart But It's GTA IV
@sub-zero mk11 Gamer Hi and Thank you
Today (06/09 GMT -5) I found out that my "Mod" got mentioned in GTA Forums In the GInput Comments / Replies