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Would be cool if it had a cinematic mix of "Soviet Connection" for Niko, as well as of the other main themes for Johnny and Luis.
Now please, do the opposite (Niko's plain helmet for Luis).
Hell yeah, THIS is how a SA car mod is done!
En geometría está perfecto (como modelo HD), pero me hubiera gustado que el color fuese similar al del modelo base (ya sabes, plateado oscuro con la carcasa negra en la empuñadura). De todas formas muy buen trabajo.
Quote: LeatherJacketSoldier
@GregorHecker Really? What do you mean? The caliber isn't right?
EDIT: Ahh, You meant the Ammu-Nation desk? If I corrected that issue, then the gun would look as if CJ was aiming it slightly to the right. If I remember correctly, the original silenced pistol is significantly shorter, which camouflages the issue almost completely.