
GTA San Andreas Mods



Female Animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp

Author: ashslow
Website | Email
Date: 30.05.2013
Downloads: 28929 | Statistics
Filesize: 53.221 MB

9.20 based on 35 votes

Female Animation Girls Ped ifp update.
to download go to new LInk.


Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas

female animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp


how to install


STEP1 animgrp.dat → replace files in data folder

STEP2 ped.ifp → replace files in anim folder

STEP3 beach.ifp → replace files in gta3.IMG

STEP4 playidles.ifp → replace files in gta3.IMG

STEP5 misc.ifp → replace files in gta3.IMG


- Please note -
Some animations will only work if Fat and muscle value of default
( The same Fat and muscle value as the NEW GAME )

Work In animation:
IDLE stance animation remake
IDLE armed animation remake v2
IDLE ROCKET animation remake v2
IDLE Gang1 animation remake
IDLE csaw animation remake v2
JUMP full animation remake
run animation remake
run armed animation remake
sprint animation remake v2
Run stop animation remake
WALK player animation remake
WALK start animation remake
WALK armed animation remake
WEAPON crouch animation remake
Talk animation remake
cower animation remake (v1 or v2)
DUCK cower animation remake (v1 or v2)
handsup animation remake
CLIMB full animation remake
FALL animation remake
woman idlestance animation remake
XPRESSscratch animation remake
man beach animation
woman beach animation remake
CJs Move your body animation remake
misc animation remake

and bonus...
peds.IDE female voices to CJ
IDLE stance my edit posing ifp set


female animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp author ashslow

Enjoy! :D

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Female Animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp
Female Animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp Female Animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp Female Animation v4 Girls Ped.ifp

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